I dont like becoming old.
But no one stay younggg. I know.
Aku taksuka giler. dan aku plg seram nak cecah 20thn
Hakhakhak. Phsyco giler aku.
This year Im turning 18 years old in Changlun, Kedah.
Something new. but i doo really hope to be with my family
during my birthday. I miss family. SERIOUSLY doo!!
At first, seriously dohh aku mcm tolonglah sesape yg tahu birthday aku jgn wish aku. Mlm 16thSept aku mcm bengang dgn ramai org. Bengang dgn few boys from my tutor dan abang aku. Mood hlg. At last aku lari gi bilik Nadiah. nak tidur sana. I got the feeling that my roommate nak wish aku sbbnya zulaikha asik2 msg aku kata Sepet roommate aku suruh aku balik bilik. then kata miss Aza dtg spotcheck. Like I told ealier aku hrp sgt tlg jgn wish aku sbb aku takde moood. Aku buat bodoh dan continue sleepingggg. Then at 4am aku tersedar dan aku balik bilik. As I smpai bilik. I saw this on my bed. Its from my roommatesdan Zulaikha and all her roommatesTerharu ok. tapi i feel sorry ignore them that midnight. They record me birthday wish kat my phone. aku tak tgk tgk lagi video tuu. sbbnya aku segan. hahah paarah betul thap malu aku ni. haha
Pagi aku pergi Kuliah ALONE. I feel better, calm.
Miaa cuti sbb KAKOM.
Im really happy sbb people do remember my birthday :)
Akuu segann sbnrnya org wish wish. I really hope they wont and just
give signs or pahapee asalkan bukan wish nyanyi.
takponggg jadi mcm tu, tp ok laa they come and wish personally.
tak segan mana. sikit jeee.
Malam, masa Magrib Mia dtg bilik wish birthday :)
She gave me err I dont know apa
Big Apple lahh kot. Then I feel like sharing the cakes
my roommate give me. so I ask her to went downstairs eat together
then aku pergi ajak Zulaikha makan dgn kiteorg
tapi malangnya dia kata nnti laa, dia nak iron tudung.
aku turun bawah dan mkn ngan mia dulu
after awhile Zulaikha dtg. then dia ajak gi Drumpun mkn
I was like mlas then dia pujuk dan kata dia dah baik dgn boys from my tutor
its a give for me if she berbaik with the boys :)
so aku pon okay lets go. ajak mia yg
dah setengah jalan mkn. haha.
So here mkn with the boys. dan jugak Nadiah dan Cheq.
Aku mcm pelik knp dieorg ttbe jee mkn sama2.
boleh pulak aku Nadiah dan Cheq ada sekli.
sbbnya aku baru nak ajak dieorg. tp bila aku ckp Zulaikha kata dia dah ajak.
We just ate mlm tu. dan mkn kek roommate aku bg.
We talked, we laughed and plg penting we took pictures. haha
KORANG K4S2T3 terima kasihh byk2 okay
Zulaikha told me the next day yang actually yg dieorg turun mkn
nak celebrate birthday aku. Its shoo sweeet of youuu guys
I went back early sbb nya aku ada perjumpaan RM.
then balik punn dlm pkul brp tah.
then bila balikkk aku nampk this cute tiny cake and notes from my
Its so cute of you. She wrote something I feel like
cryingggg. haha
I ate this cake for breakfast the next day :)
Thankyou Maryamm. I always love you since we first met.
bukan membodek ok!
I do love youuuuu so so so much okayy.
Next, I saw thiss kat penjuru meja study aku. Coklat Toblerone!
Aku tak suka coklat but I do eat certain coklat.
Contohnya Chocolate moist. Cabulary pongg I dont really like.
setakat mkn sikit jee. Tapi Toblerone aku minat giler, hehe
This is from AIN ATHIRAH.
So sweet of youu. we are not that really close but what u did
really buat aku rasa terharu. Thanks a bunch preety.
So thats all happened on my birthday this year. I thanked everyone yg wish
dan ingat my birthday. as for me Its enough kalau kau ingt
birthday aku. I must be somebody till people remember my birthdatekan.
All the wishes from Insta, Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook, Wechat dan msges.
Im happy, totally happy. I neevr hope for anything on my birthday taww.
bkn aku mempoyooo tapi this is fact.
This one is on 19th SEPTEMBER 2013
A date it suppose to be. Between me and MAIZATUL RAHIM.
then it turn up to be a gethering with my SELANDARIANS friends.
They came out with a cake and sing mee birthday song.
BAPAKKKKKKKKKK segan gilos. Aku ttup ttup muka aku.
Aku rasa segan smpai nak nanges.
Thankyou korang. For making effort walaupun tak byk tp
aku tetap terkejut.
they make me feel special. haha
Walaupun dulu aku bukanlah student yg baik di bangku sekolah
hahaha. Nakal dan suka memberontak with rulees.
THANK YOU KMK Marveilleux Princesses.
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