31st December 2013

Assalamualaikum :)
A few hours left before 2013 leaves US

This what happened just now evening !
Majlis Apresiasi KMK 2013.
Majlis makan petang bersama Pensyarah dan 50org pelajar.
Maaf ehh siapa yg join. jgn jealous.
haha okay tak tak. chill k.
takde apa yg best, melainkan mkn free tujaaa. haha

 SEE THAT!! Deco Deco by BLOK C
eahh eahhh. lalalalalala.
Yesterday evening dpt job hias pentas. soo
theree we GOOOO!
Thankyou to all for helping and support.
Aku dtg lewat. hmmm teramok kann mmg begitu
NORMALL sgt kalau aku lmbt haha.
Somehow to me it looks beautiful
because all I see is the effords we made. hehe

Ohh yes. for that Majlis Ahmad Bar and me as the MC. Its normal to him but NOT ME. Weyyy come on come on. Aku gemuruh giler. Aku taktau knp. Kata tak pernah jd MC, aku selalu kot MC dulu sekola lama. Mybe since masuk Selandar aku dah makin pasif. Kerja main ckp belakang jee, hahaha. Everything is not okayy but whatever it is. ITS OVERRRRRR! Aku dah try my best walaupun tak best haha. AHMAD BAR thanks alot for ur support and confidence you gave me during this Majlis. So nice of you, fun working with you and also im happy to getting know you. Lepas ni hope dptlah jugakkan jumpa kau masa kuliah. mcm takpernah jee. haha. InsyaAllah. Dan kepada JPP dan AJK AJK blok, im having a great time with all of you. Gelak gurau sakan tadi. hehe

This been a great closing for 2013.
Me gonna remember Every single thing I did stupid things.
But Im hopping that 2014 will be more amazing than
you are 2013.
