HEYYY there. Salam uolls.
its 2:13am. im updating my blogs. see that.
New background and edit sikit.
How's it? Okay tak? Tak okay?
Ada aku kesah! hikhikhokhik

Its been 5weeks Ive started my 2nd sem.
Im lost! seriously. but
im still on my efforts to get things
better. InsyaAllah.
My PSPM 1's result are not good.
Im not happy, even my family too.
Baru hbis oncall with Mummy
The feeling when you failed to make both of
ur parents happy with you.
Arghhh I hate it. I know I can do it
much much much
better that that.
2.59 :'(
I almost. very close to give up. seriously
butt im not.
I wont give a demm what people
say, think of me.
Aku tahu aku boleh buat lebih baik daripada tu.
Aku kena berubah. Kwn2 tlg ingtkan aku k.

Nak tahu tak kenapa. Kenapa aku Sem 2 ni alone. Its because I choosed to be like that. seriously! and theres nothing to do with my new kelas tutor. Mereka okay jee. especially the girls. The boyss, aku taktau la. Aku masih dlm pemantauan. haha. Tak, aku tk selesa dgn dieorg. bkn semualaa. but still I like boys kelas tutor lama aku. hmm. Aku bukan taknak rapat dgn bdk kelas tutor aku, tapi aku takut aku terlalu syg dieorg dan aku akan sedih kehilangan dieorg. As for me, Im fine being alone than being left. Aku mmg mcmni. Selama ni aku kemana pun berteman, tapi yg sbnrnya aku suka bersendirian. Lg2 skrg ni aku otak serabut. Result tak memuaskan, kwn2 aku keluar matriks, tukar kelas tutor, nak adapt dgn new lecturers, to survive with new chapters for this semester dan latest about Hanna's Abah. I cant stop thinking. So I do really need space to be alone. 

Ramai giler okay tnya knp dgn aku skrg. Aku okayy je. aku sihat. Cumaa hati aku jee celaru fikir mcm2 sgt. Haiyaaaa! Aku tak kisah punn kalau org nak dekat ngan aku skrg, cuma aku taknak terikat dgn mana2 kwn. I prefer to walk anywhere ALONE. I repeat ALONE! Kdg2 jln sengsorang buat aku terfikir ttg masa dpn aku. kenapalah aku ni PEMALAS tahap tak dpt dek nak menolong. Haish. Ya Allah Engkau permudahkanlah perjalanan aku di Matriks ni. Aku nak keluar dgn result yg dpt menggembirakan mak ayah aku. Bglah aku kerajinan dan permudahkan proses pembelajaran aku ini. Aku mohon Ya Allah. Berikanlah aku petunjuk. amin :)

This is Eliya Sufina and Amy Masturah. I feel most comfort
with them. Frankly speak, Im still in process of
knowing them. but I cant deny that
I have started to love them. hmmmmmmm 
