AL-FATIHAH. Here a news that really give me a current shock. Ini pula Hanna. Hanna, you may feel like the earth is like falling on your head, but please Hanna be strong for Mama. Sorry I cant bear to call you right now. Aku sgt takut, aku takut aku takboleh berlagak yg aku kuat. The moment I got the phone call from suu tadi pkul 2ptg, aku rasa down giler. Aku taktau nak comfort kau kalau aku call kau. aku yakin kau punn taknak on the phone. How I wish I could be with you today, give you a hugs without any word. Give you all my spirit so you will stay strong. All evening smpai skrg, aku mandi, aku kuliah, aku tutuor, aku solat, aku mandi, I think of you, Mama, all everyone. Hanna, aku syg kau. Aku tak suka tgk kau sedih.

Betapa, aku nak tnya kau. Kau okay tak? What happened actually? How are you? How is Mama? Kak Dira? Kak Nabila? Rayyen? And others. Mcm mana klinik nnti? Mcm mana ni. mcm mana tu. Things Im thinking all the wayy after I got the news. 

Hanna, aku seriously taktau nak ckp apa ngan kau. Sorry! Aku nk nasihat tp aku pun tak pernah merasa kejadian ni. Aku pun taktahu bila masa aku nnti, adakah aku akan kuat. Aku doakan Abah tenang di sana. Kau mesti jugak kuat. dont let this thing end ur study, study harder. Be a great doctor like Abah in future. And please curve ur smile. U really look awesome with ur smile. Aku kat sini, even jauh tak dpt jumpa, aku tetap doakan yg terbaik untuk keluarga kau. Mama dan Abah aku dah anggap mcm parents aku jugak. sbb kat asrama dulu dieorg selalu lawat. aku dah rasa mcm we are family.
