She's officially engaged dudeee!

See that?! Chea got engaged already.
WHAT! Sedih okayy firtsly sbb Chea tak bgtau org pun
hmm okay, maybe sbb aku tak contact dia dah now.
dan I dont save her number. dulu ada gak no dia walau tak save. sbbnya
dia ada whatsapp. so ada dlm history.

This boy is the one he told me masa dia tgh kat Matriks.
Wah wah. bestnyaa Cheaa. tapi itu jee yg aku tahu psl l elaki ini.
Sedih mmg sedih. sbb taktahu apa2 psl majlis ni
but Chea pernah kata dia dah tunang
masa dia dlm Matrik lg.
I dont know. maybe this is officially la kot.
dulu dlm diam tunangg..
 Tapi org giler happy untuk 
Chea. Org doakan semoga ke jinjang pelamin. Amin
You are so lucky. and surely he is also so so lucky to have you.

Chea ni actually my senior kat Selandar dulu. Akak dorm aku yg BEST!
We were close. till that I cried masa habis form 4.
Ya Allah kau permudahkan segala urusan mereka berdua sepanjang tempoh pertungan mereka.
Andai telah tertulis,
Jodoh itu milik mereka.
Kau satukan hati mereka. Amin.

I hope that one fine day,
aku pun merasa keadaan ini.
merasa diri di syayangi oleh org yg kita syg.
even benda ini mustahil...
Aminn :)
