Its final week already.
Fuhhhh cuaks nyaa.
I have SIX papers to be seated.
Alhamdulillah sbb takde yg sehari 2 paper.
Berturut hari jelaa but im still fine
and grateful enough.
PS : Idk why but the feeling when you got someone willingly to guide you for the final and the moment we gathered in one table and I love seeing every each us (mcm mcm gelagat) striving for the best in final.
Ouh I just l o o o o o v e the feeling . . . .
and I promise myself I will remember this feeling and keep it forever !
Ive even thought that Allah has sent you to save my life and many more lifes in this University of Perlis. Haha 😅
Fuhhhh cuaks nyaa.
I have SIX papers to be seated.
Alhamdulillah sbb takde yg sehari 2 paper.
Berturut hari jelaa but im still fine
and grateful enough.
PS : Idk why but the feeling when you got someone willingly to guide you for the final and the moment we gathered in one table and I love seeing every each us (mcm mcm gelagat) striving for the best in final.
Ouh I just l o o o o o v e the feeling . . . .
and I promise myself I will remember this feeling and keep it forever !
Hazlami, even we are not really that close, knw each other,
only He knows how I thankful, greatful, appreciate you,
your efforts and willingnes to guide us.
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