Assalamualaikum! Hai. Hallu. Goodmorning!!
its 11.11am now.
My very firts entry for 2018 guys! and I'd like to post abt myself lah dulu. Kasi chance pls. This is something embarrassing for me to share to the public and also my closest friends jugak sebenarnya pasal this one award that I received recently. Tapi tipulaa, I was a little bit excited since rasanya the last time I received an award masa sekolah kut kalau. Guys! kau tengok je aku sehina skrg but trust me, dari sekolah rendah every year tau dapat award naik pentas. Sebab dapat 1-3 dalam kelas, mata pelajaran terbaik, perlantikan, pertandingan bercerita, kelas awards. Those few achievemnt in ko-K, pastu dlu aku aktif Abacus Arithmetic Mental. Yang last ni adalah achievemnt aku yg supposely plg membanggakan bcs I wakil Negeri Melaka tahu tak tapi sbbkan yelaa aku kan studnt wanted and nakal masa sekolah rendh dulu smpai, cikgu pun teragak agak untuk announce kan. See! I told you. Dari kecik aku dah makan hati. tapi aku stay positive. Everthing happened for a reason. Benda ni pun takkan jadi kalau bukan sebab aku en en en. Tapi nak cerita gak. Aku menang tempat ke-4 peringkat negeri Melaka plus 1st place untuk grouping top 20. Pastu dapat mewakili Melaka untuk peringkat kebangsaan. and guess what aku dapat ke-3 untuk peringkat kebangsaan. And only my pihak arithmetic melaka sahaja yg celebrate me. even parents aku pun takde sepanjang pertandingan tu. Sebab semua di-arrange oleh pihak negeri melaka. Pergi naik bus. But it was a wonderful memory. even aku tak dpt nak recall kesemuanya. dan gambar pun takde weh haha.
Terpesong dah ni.
so, award yang aku kata aku malu orang tahu sebabnya,
weh kemon guys, my university's era.
People know me as a person yg trouble.
A person that struggle just to pass her degree.
A wierd person that do everthing alone.
nobody really cares abt me tbh.
and I personally comfort that people dont really know me.
so I can freely do things without people eyes on me.
and boleh lak ttbe boleh dapat award yg takpernah didengar wehh.
"Best Intra Video Award"
Can you even brain ? weh guys! Like seriously, aku rasa bersyukur giler to have got the chance to join the award ceremony. Memang aku rasa selesa dengan keadaan aku skrg, sbb pernah berdoa that I want to live a life that people dont hv that high expections from me. People dont know me. I just want a space and time to be alone. Tapi tipu weh kalau takde sekalipun terdetik aku rindu rasa hidup dikelilingi org yg care and concern, yg everyday ada dengan aku. Haha, tulah kalau cakapkang. kat org tak reti bersyukur mcm gini lah. Hoho.
btw click here here if you want to watch my INTERN VD.
People would have known me during my University era would know me as just another an ordinary student. and me myself have a very low self-confident since day one kat U ni. I was selected daripada puluh puluh org, the I quite being jadi MPKK bcs I find that people here are boring and so bermuka muka and apa benda siak meeting setiap malam mcm aku takde life. so I decided to live just like any normal student. wakeup and sleep anytime I wish. HAHA. for a student yg biasa biasa mcm aku ni, dapat peluang untuk buat exchange student kat Acheh, Indonesia and boleh dapat award (malulah nak sebut award apa, as long to be on the stage dapat award). I just thank Him for his extreamly advanturous plan for me. Sumpah doh. Kalau aku quite dulu, I wont get this chances. Even bg org apa je sgt benda ni, for me yg rasa diri aku ni zero, rasa happy and berbaloi selepas apa yg aku lalui selama 4tahun ni. I guess I should thank Abang too, sbbkan dia aku paksa diri aku teruskan dengan apa yg aku taksuka. So, percayalah, minat tu penting sbb ianya booster. But silap besar k kalau rasa benda tu kita tak minat, kita tak boleh nak buat lgsg. Rasanya tu alasan jer. Yang penting effort dan spirit to survive. Gunalah skill apa pun, yang penting untuk terus survive. And I hope I can survive till the end (and the end is on time)~ hope so.
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